I'm walking over a gravelly path, tiptoeing between stones. The air is crisp and fresh, though a bit cold; I stick my hands in my pockets. I peer to the West and see the mountains with its majestic stance, the snow billowing off of the taller ones. Lifting my head towards the sun, I close my eyes and let it's warmth caress me... then Clovis pounces his fore legs into my stomach, taking my breath away. So much for a meditative moment.
Game boy and I took Clovis to an open space park 30 minutes North of Denver. We were surprised to see how 'open' it was. It was quite busy, with plenty of people and their dogs. Game boy called it a Disneyland for dogs. There were all breeds from Chihuahuas to German Shepherds. And of course, Clovis wanted to meet them all. I was impressed that he mostly stayed by our side. I thought he would go bonkers and run off excited. I was a proud pet mom.
It was wonderful going out and clearing my head, from having had that disappointment from earlier this week. We were also getting cabin fever with staying in most of the time. It's kept us from getting sick, though. I was thinking the other day, that I hadn't gotten a cold or a flu in a year. I used to get sick all the time when I worked at the library. I better knock on wood because life has a funny way of making things happen when you talk about those things.
I wanted to say thanks to the new visitors reading my blog. I hit 30 visitors! I know some people might think, that ain't much; but it's a lot to me. I'm grateful. Maybe I'll celebrate by having a low calorie brownie.
Yeah, I started dieting. Oh, I forgot, my mom said not to call it that. She said that it would be better to call it a new food plan. I figured I should take my health and weight seriously. I gained 5 pounds in just 3 months and I'm pushing 40.
Ugh, enough about that! I have pictures to share of our little excursion. I realized yesterday that I take a lot of pictures of Clovis and decided to create a Instagram page for him. Would you believe he has more followers than me?! If you want to follow his page it's ClovisPup and if you feel sorry for me, you can follow me at DenMouse38. I also have Twitter. Oh, and I created a Facebook page for this blog under the name of it.
Thanks for reading! Be well!