Hi, Mouse here.
The other weekend Game boy and I had an adventure and we took Clovis along. We drove to the Eldorado Canyon State Park in Eldorado Springs. It was quite a drive, but it was worth it and Clovis enjoyed the drive. Besides taking the expressway, we had to drive a good amount towards the mountains, not before passing some rolling hills and rustic homes.
Eldorado Springs is probably one of the smallest towns I've ever visited thus far. Two things that stand out: they have a spring that you can bath in and they also bottle it up for consumption and they have hundreds of potholes. You need an SUV to drive through that town. I feel bad for whoever traveled there in a sedan. There are signs everywhere stating that you should slow down. At first I thought it was because there were children that play outside, nope potholes, and they sneak up on you. You find yourself driving on the wrong side of the road just to avoid them. I was glad that Game boy drove. He was not.
Once we got to the park we were met with jagged cliffs and a long line to get in. Parks are a big deal in Colorado. It helps to have an annual pass.
We parked and had to walk a good ways to get to the trailhead, unfortunately we didn't realize that there was more parking further up on the road. Which was fine, it was a warm up. It took me a few minutes to acclimate to trekking up hill. But after a while it was comfortable and the temperature was cool.
Thankfully, Clovis behaved for the most part. He's gotten a habit of grabbing sticks off the ground and playing around with them. There were plenty of other dogs for him to say hi to. The hike proved that he can handle long treks with us. I've captured some great images, that I share here.
By the end, we had aching feet and a peaceful feeling. It's always great to get outdoors. On the drive back, we had to cross the potholes again and it reminded me of needing to take it slow. Life is full of potholes and it's best to take it slow, so that you can get yourself out of them. It doesn't sound as sophisticated as when people say 'when life give you lemons, you make lemonade', but it makes for a good metaphor.
BTW, I have a new blog website that I started about art history. If you like art check it out. A follow would be greatly appreciated too. www.whattheart.net